Customer service/logistics department – tel. 511 771 888, 500 28 7777
Recykling i Utylizacja okien z demontażu
Odbiór starej stolarki otworowej PVC, drewno, aliminium, karty przekazania odpadu,
szkło budowlane, transport.

Legal provisions

According to the law, each waste producer is obligated to manage the waste in a correct manner.
Regulations clearly define how to deal with collected waste. Information on waste management is specified in:
Act of 14 December 2012 on waste:
Chapter 12
Handling of waste

Art. 33.
The holder of waste shall be obligated to handle the waste in a manner consistent with the principles of waste management referred to in Articles 16-31, including carrying out waste processing in such a manner that these processes and the waste generated do not pose a threat to human life or health and the environment, and in a manner consistent with provisions on environmental protection and waste management plans.

Chapter 9
Transfers of waste and transfer of responsibility for waste management

Art. 27.
The waste producer is obligated to manage the waste produced.

The waste producer or other holder of waste may contract the execution of waste management obligations only with entities that possess:

1) a waste collection permit or a waste processing permit, or|
2) a concession for underground waste storage, integrated permit, decision approving the exploratory waste management programme, permit for operating an exploratory waste disposal facility or entry into the register of regulated activities related to municipal waste collection from property owners - under separate regulations, or
3) entry into the register within the scope referred to in Art. 50 section 1 item 5 - unless such activity does not require a decision or entry into the register.

Where the waste producer or other waste holder transfers waste to the next waste holder who holds a decision referred to in subsection 2 item 1 or 2 or has an entry in the register within the scope referred to in Article 50 section 1 item 5 letter a, the responsibility for waste management, upon its transfer, shall be transferred to that next waste holder.


Transfer procedure for old joinery

The procedure for transferring old joinery does not have to be complicated, difficult and time consuming. There are seven easy steps to follow when transferring your waste
Read more

We will confirm

issue of the Waste Transfer Note (WTN) in the waste database (BDO) system.

We will offer

permanent cooperation and regular collection of joinery from a storage location or directly from a construction site.

We are listed

in the BDO under the number 000070015

Our company accepts

joinery waste with the following codes:

17 09 04

Mixed waste from construction, renovations and dismantling and:

17 04 02
17 02 01 
wood (window and door joinery)
17 02 02
Glass (single pane construction glass, double pane glass and flat glass cullet)
17 02 03
plastics (PVC window and door joinery)
17 04 05
iron and steel
19 12 04
plastics and rubber
19 12 05
19 12 07
wood other than that mentioned in 19 12 06
20 01 02
20 01 38
wood other than that mentioned in 20 01 37
20 03 07
bulky waste
Kolonia Druga 2B, 11-300 Biskupiec
Obsługa klienta/dział logistyki – tel. 511 771 888, 500 28 7777
Obsługa klienta/dział logistyki 
tel. 511 771 888
tel. 500 28 7777